Jan 7, 2012

Video: Port Removal & Catching Up


  1. You look great Ash! I would've probably been with Isaac and watched and thought it was cool....but it's the medical-type in us! :-)

  2. Nice video. And just an FYI pregnance and labor is nothing like chemo. Seventeen veteran nurse of labor and delivery and mother of two. There is nothing more fantastic then feeling your baby move.

  3. Watching your video gave me such insight on your situation...(so much like mine). And the love the two of you share. It was heart warming and beautiful. I would LOVE for you to video blog some things for me to be shown at my fund raiser, as I have NO clue how to do this. Remember, I am here for you.. do NOT feel alone. You are an inspitation to me. Keep up the great outlook and blogging ! Much love, respect, and support my friend !

  4. Thanks for the update lady! It was great to see you-even though it was for a short time when you were back! :) Thanks again!

  5. Sorry I missed your beautiful face and fuzzy head while you were here! Glad you had a great trip and glad to hear Issac was able to relax and unwind. Chemo is harder than being pregnant and giving birth (combined)! Having had 3 babies and chemo, I'd take pregnant over chemo any day! Both experiences have changed my life for good. For that I'm very thankful!

  6. I miss you both! I was thinking of you today, and have finally caught up on your blog posts! Hope all is well.
