Jan 9, 2012

Well, I'll Be Darned!

Today I'm deciding to share with you the awesome things that have happened in our lives in the past few days since getting back to Michigan.

First off, Isaac and I have been going to the gym EVERY day!  For those of you who are behind in our lives (probably because I miserably failed to blog regularly for the last couple of months), I am in a weight loss competition with Howard.  And Isaac wants to have a 6-pack.  Or rather, maybe he just wants to diminish the size of his love handles.  I want to get rid of mine entirely.  Regardless, we've been diligent about getting our exercise in.  Every.  Day.  On occasion, twice a day.  But that's when we're feeling super motivated.

Secondly, I had an extremely cool experience the other day.  I was browsing a friend of mine's Facebook, reading about homemade baby wipes, when I stumbled upon a name that sounded relatively familiar.  Being the creeper that I am, I jumped into her profile to see if I could figure out why I felt I should know her.  Turns out, there is absolutely no reason at all, other than the fact that God wanted me to see that she lives close to me.  And that she is a fellow Iowan.  And that maybe we will be friends.  Also, a friend from home has also recently moved out here, and although she isn't as close (she's about an hour and half away) I have every intention of traveling out to see her at least a few times.  AND (yes, it gets even better) while Isaac and I were pounding out our fat cells at the gym the other day, we met a former Iowa Stater who is doing her residency at Mount Clemens.  How cool is that?  Let me answer for you: pretty cool.

I have also been spending a significant amount of time job searching since we got back.  I was doing it a little bit before we left, but really not so much since everyone wanted you to be present for the holidays and work an unlimited amount of hours.  Since we went home for almost a month, I feel that I can now fill out applications and honestly say that yes, I am "available" for the holidays.  At least, until Thanksgiving, when I will be returning home again for as long as I can.  And I will repeat that pattern at Christmastime.

Til next time!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to have met you!! :) we'll have to hang out soon. I love how God gives us little treasures like a blessing of a fellow Iowan! I'm feeling blessed right along with you :)
