Wednesday rolled around and I was trying SO hard not to push the issue. I only asked once, and he told me he'd need til Thursday to know for sure if he could afford to leave his schoolwork for the weekend. Come Thursday morning breakfast, he still wasn't sure. He had another section of material to cover before he thought he could give me a definitive answer.
It was killing me. Should I pack? Should I clean? Should I just sit here and pretend like I'm not in a hurry to start packing?
I chose the latter. I never want make him feel like I'm undermining him or that he's second fiddle, so although I was dying, anxiously waiting for him to cover his material, I played it cool and sat on the couch playing Gourmet Ranch on Facebook. It wasn't keeping my attention very well, so I was super happy when Meg messaged me and asked if I wanted to Skype.
About two minutes after I agreed to a Skype date with Meg, Isaac looked up from his studying. I paused, in the middle of eating a tomato and stared at him, waiting to hear the verdict.
"We can go..."
"...but probably not til like, 3:30."
Ugh. Okay. Not the time frame I was hoping for--but, still, we're going!
"And, can we wrestle first?"
Now. For those of you who are not familiar with "wrestling", it is a full contact sport that only married grown-ups should take part in. Unlike many other sports, you don't wear a uniform and you don't necessarily need to be in top physical condition to participate--although it does help. Like many contact sports, you should be aware of the risks involved before engaging, such as injury or pregnancy. However, both these risks can be avoided if one takes the proper precautions.
It was at that moment that my ringing computer screen reminded me that I already had a Skype date lined up, so I hopped on and asked Meg if I could have a rain-check. We agreed on a later date before signing off.
We headed out around 5:30pm and arrived in Iowa City at about midnight. Momma Lynn was waiting up for us and we chatted until around 2:30am before crashing. Hours later, we woke up to the smell of fried potatoes and onions, eggs, bacon, and cherry turnovers. I love eating at the Hinton's! Lynn has to be one of the best cooks I know and she never fails to have something tasty on hand. We ate while catching up with her and Howard and then hit the road again around 1pm.

For those of you in the same boat as Lindsey, Great Plains falls into the same category as Chinese Homestyle: they are the hidden food gems of Ames. The best thing about this particular restaurant is their lunch special. Every day, they have a certain type of pizza that can be bought by the slice over the lunch hour for around two dollars. All the flavors are good, but you have to be sure to get it with the thick, oat crust. It's served with a side of honey so that essentially, every piece of pizza is both meal and dessert in one. In addition to all this honey-covered, oat-y goodness is the amount of cheese they put on the pizza. I kid you not, if you look at a pizza before it goes to the oven, you will see a MOUNTAIN of cheese on it. By the time it's melted down and served to you, there's usually a good half-inch or more of gooey, delicious cheese on your pie. You can't beat it. Seriously.
After spending time with Lindz, Isaac and I headed to the farm. It was at this point that I got the worst news ever--Mom thought she was sick, so she wasn't coming because she didn't want to get me sick. She said we could go ahead and come out to the farm, but I had to stay outside for the sake of germs.
While we were there, waiting for Dad to finish packing, a surprise visitor stopped by!! Danielle, one of my Surefire Bootcamp buddies, had stopped by to drop off four seasons of HOUSE for Isaac and I. She'd texted me earlier in the month asking if we'd care to have them, and since its our favorite show, of course I said yes!
After we gabbed for a bit, Danielle had to leave for Omaha and Dad was finally ready to go. A little over an hour later, we were at the park being showered with hugs from many family members. We checked into our dorm and then headed out to the main gathering area where we continued to talk and eat well into the evening.
That night, we got a lesson from Ike about planking--the "cool thing to do" among teenagers right now. The goal is to showcase your skills by putting your body into a plank position on any random item. The more difficult the position, the higher level of difficulty the plank is assessed. To give us a good understanding of what it was (as well as to put a notch in his stick) Ike decided to show us a level 10 difficultly plank--on top of the door, in his Onesie. Thankfully, the door didn't break and he didn't bust his head open.

False. When you belong to a family of jokesters, nothing is a small deal. One of my favorite ways to fall asleep is with Isaac's arm tucked around me and so while everyone else was starting to count sheep, I was trying to find his arm amidst the sea of blankets. The lights were off and I didn't even think before I blurted out, "I can't find it!" I'm sure you can imagine the reactions we got. The entire room erupted into laughter while I tried my best to explain what exactly I was looking for.
The night brought pretty decent sleep, despite the "crunch, crunch, crunching" of people on the plastic mattresses. In the morning, after talking to family over the course of breakfast and snacking, we made our way to the pool. We swam, chatted, caught sun rays, and the guys started the yearly water basketball game that produces sore muscles, firey-red, sun-burnt backs, and the occasional scratch. And--surprise!!! Mom was feeling much better so she met us there and stayed the rest of the weekend!

After our planking adventure, I was feeling exhausted so I laid down for a nap. I felt alright, aside from a headache, but I'm learning it's better to be safe than sorry. Since my diagnosis, there is much higher risk of me getting sick, and even though I felt perfectly fine, I've had situations where I went from feeling fantastic to being in the ER in a matter of hours--not ideal.
Court and Jess arrived sometime shortly after my nap and we got to hang out for a bit before I started doing haircuts. Let me tell you, I was SO excited to get to cut some heads! I haven't been able to do anyone other than Isaac or myself for the past three months and I really, really miss it. One of my aunts volunteered her family and then my entire Iowa family, minus Ike, got theirs done as well. Sad as it may sound to some of you, that was probably one of the biggest hilights of my weekend.
Around noon, Isaac and I had to head out to make it home by midnight. I'd had left my facewash at Hinton's, so we stopped by to grab that and Lynn took me over to see Joan's (their neighbor) herb collection.
Her daughter lovingly refers to her as "the crazy herb lady," and I didn't really understand why until we walked by the stash up front and went through the gate to the back where I walked into herb-world. There were several different types of basil, lavender, chocolate mint, marjoram, cilantro, chives, savory, a TON of others, and a peach tree seedling. I'm not so sure I'd go so far as to call her crazy, but I can surely say she has a love for herbs and other growing things. She actually ended up giving me a bunch of different types that we boxed up, watered, and put in the back of the little red Yaris.
We hit the food jackpot twice on the way home, which was awesome! Who can say no to two free apple pies and a free chili cheese buritto? Not us! A little before 1am we had made it back and by 2am, had everything planted, unpacked and put away.
I would definitely call the weekend a success.
Great job with the herbs, Joan will be so happy to see the transplants in a happy home.