Sep 14, 2011


Oh dear framily and fends... I mean, family and friends.  Goodness!  I'm so excited I can barely type correctly!!!  Anyway, we went to the oncologist today and guess what?!?


I had mass in my right clavicular region, one under my right armpit, and the largest mass was beside my right lung.  There was also a small mass near the middle of my chest on the right side, and one lonely speck near my lower left kidney.

Translated: I had a bunch of crap in my upper right chest/rib region and one little straggler on the left side by my kidney.

We compared the PET/CT scans today (3D images of my insides) and it is a miracle!!  NONE of the masses showed up on the scan except for the lonesome left-side booger.  I guess since he didn't have any friends to begin with, nobody informed him that the party's over so he's still hanging out.  Like that awkward person who you sticks around til midnight and forever more when all you really want to do is go to bed because you have to get up at 5am.  Yep.  That's him.

So.  In effort to communicate with him that I'm moving on and I have other things to do, we're going to continue on with two more treatments in hopes that he catches on.  If he's still playing dense after that, we're going to send him a more direct message by beaming him in the face with some radiation.  If he doesn't catch on to THAT... well, I'm not sure what the medical equivalent of forcefully removing someone is (surgery, maybe?) but that would probably be the next and final step.

In the meantime: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your prayers, your support, listening to me when I've called or Skyped with you, for allowing me to share my emotions about the whole process and not condemning along the way.

A special thank you goes to my beautiful husband who has played chemo-chauffeur, nurse, pharmacist, provided listening ears, who has been a strong shoulder to cry on, and who has continued to verbalize that he thinks I'm hot.  You know how to make a girl feel good, babe! :)  I love you so much!!

More special thank you's go out to both my Iowa families, who have volunteered their time, gas money, and support to come out and visit us.  You brought that "home" comfort with you that I'm working on developing out here.

Thank you again to anyone and everyone else who has prayed for the cancer to be defeated.  I am SO incredibly grateful!!!!!!!  I don't even know that there is a way to explain in words how truly blessed we are to have you interceding on our behalves.  Thank you so much!


  1. Awesome! Keep rocking the due

  2. wow. THAT is incredible. God is good!! Congratulations Ashley!
